イギリス留学 ざっくり日記





・秋学期 最初のエッセイ(2000語)×2科目・・・35点と58点
・春学期 エッセイ(5000語)×2科目・・・63点と75点



各点数について詳細ご関心があれば下部の’ Postgraduate Marking Criteria’をご覧ください。Exeter大学のものを参照していますが、各大学によって微妙に説明文は異なると思います。共通かなと思うのは、修士論文を含めて点数の平均が60点以上だとmerit, 70点以上だとdistinctionと評価され、修了証にも記載される点です。私は結果的にはmeritを獲得することが出来ました。


PGT Marking Criteria – Written Work, Dissertation, Presentation - College of Humanities Intranet - University of Exeter


    Postgraduate Marking Criteria

Given below are the main criteria that we apply when marking postgraduate assessments, whether essays, presentations or the dissertation.  These can also be seen on the web in the Postgraduate handbook.  The full marking scheme, grades and criteria can be found in section 4.1 and section 4.3 of the University’s Taught Postgraduate Masters Assessment Procedures.
Section 4.1 is reproduced for ease of reference
4.1 The marking criteria shown below are recommended as a framework for all disciplines within which assessment conventions specific to individual programmes and related to their learning outcomes should be developed.

 Marks Range

Marking Criteria 

 70% and above

 Distinction. Work of exceptional standard reflecting outstanding knowledge of material and critical ability.

 60-69% Merit

 Work with a well-defined focus, reflecting a good working knowledge of material and good level of competence in its critical assessment.

 50-59% Pass

 Work demonstrating adequate working knowledge of material and evidence of some analysis.

 40-49% Condonable fail

 Limited knowledge of core material and limited critical ability.

 39% and below Fail

 Lacking in basic knowledge and critical ability.